Frederic Sautet

Frederic Sautet - Page 1

Economist, The Catholic University of America

Dr. Frederic Sautet is an economist who specializes in market process and entrepreneurship research. He teaches entrepreneurship and management at The Busch School of Business and Economics at The Catholic University of America where he is also a faculty member of The Arthur and Carlyse Ciocca Center for Principled Entrepreneurship. Dr. Sautet’s work experience includes public policy at the New Zealand Commerce Commission and the New Zealand Treasury, as well as at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University. Dr. Sautet earned a doctorate in economics from the University of Paris and did the course work for his doctorate at the Institut des Etudes Politiques in Paris. He also studied at New York University under the auspices of Prof. Israel Kirzner and Mario Rizzo as a post-doctorate fellow.<br /> <br /> Dr. Sautet has mostly published in the fields of entrepreneurship theory, management, cluster policy, and the theory of the firm. He is the co-author of Action ou Taxation (published in French in 1996 by Editions Slatkine, Geneva, and co-edited with Philippe Lacoude), and the author of An Entrepreneurial Theory of the Firm (published in 2000 by Routledge, London). His research has been published in Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice, The Independent Review, Le Journal des Economistes et des Etudes Humaines, The Review of Austrian Economics, The New Zealand Law Journal, International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, and Small Business Economics.<br /> <br /> Dr. Sautet is also a contributor to the Handbook of Research on Cluster Theory and the Handbook of Research on Innovation and Clusters (Charlie Karlsson ed., published by Edward Elgar), The New Handbook on Austrian Economics (Peter Boettke ed., published by Edward Elgar), The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Strategic Management (David Teece ed.), and The Oxford Handbook of Austrian Economics (Peter Boettke ed.). He is the co-editor with Peter Boettke of The Collected Works of Israel Kirzner (published by Liberty Fund in ten volumes).<br /> <br /> Dr. Sautet is a frequent contributor to Les Echos, Le Figaro, Le Temps, La Tribuneand other media outlets in France and Switzerland. He has also authored various articles in the press in New Zealand and the US, and has published on policy issues. Dr. Sautet has worked as a consultant with various government agencies, international organizations, and policy institutes; among them are the Government of Monaco, the New Zealand Ministry of Economic Development, the New Zealand Business Roundtable, and Excellence in Government.