Jason Killian Meath

Jason Killian Meath - Page 1


Jason Killian Meath - Jason Killian Meath is a political media strategist and author of the book Hollywood on the Potomac (Arcadia 2009). He has created, written, directed and produced television programs appearing on The Discovery Channel, USA Networks, and ABC Family.<br /> <br /> After launching into politics at the Republican National Committee under then-Chairman Haley Barbour, Jason turned his attention to political media and campaigns. He has helped numerous Senators, Governors and Congressional leaders throughout the years. A Bush-Cheney '04 communications veteran, he was member of the Maverick Media team that produced all advertising for President George W. Bush.<br /> <br /> He grew up in Richmond, VA and resides with his wife and son in Washington, D.C. For more information visit: <a href="www.jasonkillianmeath.com">www.jasonkillianmeath.com</a>.