Robert J. Smith

Robert J. Smith - Page 1

Senior Fellow, National Center for Public Policy Research

R.J. Smith is a senior fellow in environmental policy at The National Center for Public Policy Research, a position he has held since mid-2005. He also serves as director of the Center for Private Conservation, a group that researches and publicizes private conservation and stewardship on private lands in the U.S. and abroad.<br /> Mr. Smith studied under renowned Austrian economist Ludwig Von Mises while attending New York University.<br /> <br /> Once president of a local Audubon Society chapter, Mr. Smith has studied environmental policy for nearly forty years and coined the term “free market environmentalism.”<br /> <br /> Mr. Smith has served as a consultant to the U.S. Department of the Interior, a consultant to the President’s Council on Environmental Quality, and as a special assistant at the EPA. He has also served as director of environmental studies at the Cato Institute and currently serves as an Adjunct Analyst at the Competitive Enterprise Institute.<br /> <br /> A popular speaker, Mr. Smith has lectured throughout the United States. He has also lectured abroad, including in Mexico, New Zealand, France, Japan, Australia, and the United Kingdom, among other countries.