Teresa Stepic

Teresa Stepic - Page 1

Vice President of Client Relations, DDC

Teresa Stepic serves as Vice President of Client Relations at DDC, where she supports and manages client advocacy campaigns at the local, state, federal, and international levels. Leading large engagements for clients in the defense and transportation industries, Teresa provides strategic counsel and oversees execution of day-to-day program operations. Over the past five and a half years, she has helped some of DDC’s largest clients that are looking to expand their engagement programs from the domestic to international levels, establishing localized campaigns and executing political events to drive their legislative and regulatory objectives—particularly in Canada, Europe, and most extensively, Australia.<br /> <br /> With nearly a decade of experience in advertising communications, Teresa brings a unique expertise in marketing and communications combined with political advocacy and engagement to industry leaders looking to engage critical audiences to support their goals.<br /> <br /> Teresa graduated from Gannon University’s Dahlkemper School of Business with a B.S. in Business Administration. She and her husband live in Alexandria and enjoy trying new restaurants throughout the greater D.C. area, walking their dog, and traveling.