DC Trawler

Don't ask, don't cast spells

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The LA Times, reporting from Denver:

The Air Force Academy, stung several years ago by accusations of Christian bias, has built a new outdoor worship area for pagans and other practitioners of Earth-based religions.

But its opening, heralded as a sign of a more tolerant religious climate at the academy in Colorado Springs, Colo., was marred by the discovery two weeks ago of a large wooden cross placed there.

“We’ve been making great progress at the Air Force Academy. This is clearly a setback,” said Mikey Weinstein, a 1977 graduate of the academy. He is founder of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation, and has often tangled with the academy over such issues.

If you’re in the military, should you really be so sensitive about your creepy protoreligion that you can’t handle 90-degree angles? Were they just mad that a tree had to die? Aren’t they trained to kill, like, people?

And don’t you have to swear an oath to be in the military? Have they changed it to, “So help me God and/or Gaia”?

How about everybody just worships who- or whatever they want to worship, and we don’t need to have turf battles about it. It’s a personal decision. Is it just me? It’s probably just me.

Jim Treacher