
Thousands mark anniversary of Nelson Mandela’s release – Times Online

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Thousands of South Africans were today marking the 20th anniversary of Nelson Mandela’s walk to freedom after 27 years as the world’s most famous political prisoner.

Dozens of leading figures from the African National Congress (ANC) and liberation struggle stalwarts marched out of the gates of Victor Verster prison, since renamed the Drakenstein Correctional Centre, this morning in an emotional re-enactment of Mr Mandela’s march, which signalled the end of apartheid.

Mr Mandela, now a frail 91-year-old, did not attend the celebrations, although a huge bronze statue of him marching from jail, fist pumping the air, formed a fitting backdrop for the ANC figures to address the faithful.

Mr Mandela is expected to attend a session of parliament later today.

Full story: Thousands mark anniversary of Nelson Mandela’s release – Times Online