
DC on TV: Publisher Neil Patel appears on Good Morning America and Fox 5 to talk RNC spending habits

AJ Contributor
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The Daily Caller’s publisher Neil Patel appeared on Good Morning America to talk about the RNC and the questionable spending practices that have been taking place with the committee.

[flashvideo file=http://dailycaller.firenetworks.com/001646/dailycaller.com/wp-content/uploads/WJLA_03-30-2010_07.08.11.flv /]

Neil Patel (and The Daily Caller’s office) also appeared in a longer report by local D.C. station Fox 5 the previous night.

[flashvideo file=http://dailycaller.firenetworks.com/001646/dailycaller.com/wp-content/uploads/callerofficernc.flv /]