
Ann Coulter’s email to The Daily Caller about WorldNetDaily

Chris Moody Chris Moody is a reporter for The Daily Caller.
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This email was sent to The Daily Caller from conservative pundit and author Ann Coulter in response to the announcement that WorldNetDaily editor Joseph Farah had dropped her as a speaker for an upcoming event.

The email, which Coulter prefaced was written “in a rush” reads as follows:

1) farah is doing this for PUBLICITY and publicity alone;

2) this was an email exchange btwn friends and even though I didn’t expressly say “OFF THE RECORD” and I believe everything I said, he’s a swine for using my private emails politely answering him. why would he do such a despicable thing? … for PUBLICITY.

3) but now that he has, I will say that he could give less than two sh-ts about the conservative movement — as demonstrated by his promotion of the birther nonsense (long ago disproved by my newspaper, human events, also sweetness & light, american spectator and national review etc, etc etc). He’s the only allegedly serious conservative pushing the birther thing. for ONE reason: to get hits on his website.

4) his group hadn’t come up for the money to book me for a speech, anyway, so he’s not canceling me from anything.

also, FYI; my fellow evangelicals — and I know lots and lots of ’em — — all think it’s great that I’m doing this. (of course, they know I’m not changing my mind on gay marriage even though I like gays.) this is total b.s. for PUBLICITY by a publicity whore. Attack ann coulter, get publicity. liberals figured that out a long time ago, so he’s a little late to the party.

Chris Moody