Nevada unemployment rises to all-time high 14.4 percent

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Neither a boost in private-sector hiring nor a shrinking labor force could rescue Nevada from yet another unemployment record in August.

The construction sector, restaurants and professional firms all added jobs in the month, but declines in Census jobs and other public-sector cuts offset that hiring to push statewide unemployment to an all-time high of 14.4 percent, the state Department of Employment, Training & Rehabilitation said this morning. That’s up from 14.3 percent in July and 12.5 percent in August 2009.

Thanks to seasonal hiring among resorts and other employers, joblessness in Clark County edged down to 14.7 percent, from a record 14.8 percent in August. Unemployment in Las Vegas came in at 13 percent in the same month a year ago.

Full Story: Nevada unemployment rises to all-time high 14.4 percent – Business –

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