
Denying our soldiers the vote

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Election ’10: The Department of Justice is failing to enforce a law that protects the voting rights of soldiers overseas. They’re allowed to fight and die for their country, but they can’t vote for its leaders?

Last Saturday was the deadline under the Military and Overseas Voter Empowerment Act (MOVE) for states to have sent unmarked absentee ballots to soldiers overseas so they can exercise the same right to vote as those they risk their lives to protect, including Afghans and Iraqis.

The MOVE Act, passed with overwhelming bipartisan support last year, says states must provide overseas ballots 45 days before a federal election. Waivers can be granted under certain circumstances, but only if states can prove the votes of service members can still be cast and counted.

Five states — Delaware, Massachusetts, New York, Rhode Island and Washington — were granted waivers. Other states have indicated they were having difficulty complying, though it's hard to fathom what prevents them from ensuring service members from their states can vote.

Full Story: Denying Our Soldiers The Vote – IBD – Investors.com