
Senate Dems get much-needed cash infusion

Matthew Boyle Investigative Reporter
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The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, struggling to keep Democrats in power in the upper chamber, raised $15.5 million in September.

The DSCC raised almost twice as much last month as the National Republican Senatorial Committee, which took in $8.3 million. However, many individual GOP candidates in tight races are leading their opponents in the money race.

At the end of September, the DSCC had $25.6 million cash on hand. By comparison, the NRSC had $19.2 million left in its war chest.

The DSCC attributed its fundraising success to “extremist” nominees from the GOP – and a unification of Democratic candidates nationwide.

“Democrats are increasingly unified and motivated in the final stretch of the midterm elections,” said DSCC Executive Director J.B. Poersch. “As Republicans nominate extremists who want to return to the failed Bush economic policies of the past, Democrats are ready to fight. Despite shadow Republican groups pouring millions of undisclosed, unregulated, and unlimited special interest money into these races, our supporters are making sure Democrats have the resources they need to wage competitive races and ultimately keep Democrats in the Senate majority.”

Still, Republicans were excited about their fundraising effort, noting that September was the NRSC had its strongest month in six years.

“As we move into the final weeks before the November election, it’s clear that Senate Republicans will have the resources to win a range of key races across the country,” Rob Jesmer, NRSC Executive Director, said. “While we’ve always expected to be outraised and outspent by the Democrats, the reality is that they’ve now been forced to abandon a number of their candidates on the campaign battlefield, including Robin Carnahan in Missouri just this week, and have assumed an almost purely defensive posture. Senate Republicans are not only on offense in at least ten Democrat-held Senate seats, but we’re shifting even greater financial resources into blue states like California, Washington, and Illinois.”