
Huge midterm turnover makes House more of an everyman’s roost

Pat McMahon Contributor
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To see how Tuesday’s midterm rout will change the face of Congress, look no farther than the Bible Belt of southwest Missouri. Voters there replaced Rep. Roy Blunt, a savvy insider, with Billy Long, a smack-talking auctioneer with no college degree but a pithy slogan: “Fed Up.”

But Missourians promoted Blunt (R) to a new job, in the Senate, where more than half of the 16 incoming freshmen have law degrees and all but two are grizzled political veterans.

In an election that saw nearly a quarter of Congress turn over, the Senate has remained a refuge for the establishment elite, and the new House has become more of an everyman’s roost.

There’s a pizzeria owner and former home economics teacher, a former Philadelphia Eagles offensive lineman and an Iraq veteran who was the target of an assassination plot, an ex-ice hockey referee, a pottery maker, a gospel singer and a one-time prodigy portrait artist.

Full Story: Huge midterm turnover makes House more of an everyman’s roost – The Washington Post