
RNC conservatives back ‘scoring system’ to judge candidates for chairmanship

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Washington (CNN) – A bloc of conservatives on the Republican National Committee has recommended a “scoring system” to evaluate the clutch of the GOP insiders vying to replace RNC Chairman Michael Steele next year.

The 13-point “Leadership Criteria,” discussed Monday on a private conference call by the Republican National Conservative Caucus but provided to CNN by a GOP source, would rate potential candidates on a range of criteria, including their vision for the party, managerial experience and an adherence to conservative principles outlined in the Republican Party platform.

And in a nod to the emerging power of the Tea Party movement, RNC candidates would be rated on their willingness to “actively graft into the Party the Tea Party activist branches” that now make up “the freedom movement in this country” along with the social, fiscal and foreign policy wings of the GOP.

Full Story: RNC conservatives back ‘scoring system’ to judge candidates for chairmanship – CNN Political Ticker – CNN.com Blogs