Hospital sex with student sinks teacher

Pat McMahon Contributor
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NOVEMBER 18–A Texas science teacher charged with having sex with a male student first engaged in illicit conduct while the teen was hospitalized for an injury sustained during a high school football game.

That’s just one of the creepy revelations in an arrest warrant filed against Jennifer Lee Riojas, 25, who was arrested yesterday for sexual assault of a child.

Riojas’s alleged involvement with the boy began last year when he was a 16-year-old sophomore at Fort Worth High School, where she worked as a ninth-grade teacher. The teen told cops that “once he got to know” Riojas, she would attend his football games and he “would spend his lunch period” in her classroom.

After the student was injured last December during a game, Riojas visited him at Fort Worth Hospital. There, the boy told detectives, “they engaged in sexual intercourse” in his hospital bed.

Following her arrest yesterday, Riojas was released from jail after posting $20,000 bond.

Full Story: Hospital Sex With Student Sinks Teacher | The Smoking Gun