DC Trawler

Shocking behind-the-scenes HuffPo footage revealed

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It’s been a stressful week at the editorial offices of AOL, now under the impeccably manicured thumb of Arianna Huffington. So far one prominent staff member has jumped ship (welcome again to TheDC, Matt Lewis!), and those unfortunates still left behind are beginning to bristle. Which is being dealt with harshly:

…and, if he knows what’s good for him, it gives him page views.

Imagine if Arianna were Nike or General Motors. Michael Moore could make films about her. How is she any different from Phil Knight, getting Indonesians to sew swooshes on his shoes? Besides just insisting that she’s different.

Now get back to work, you!

(Hat tip: Hot Air)

P.S. Via Instapundit, the NY Post reports: AOL stock sheds $315M — HuffPo price tag. So not only are HuffPo contributors getting screwed, so are AOL stockholders. Live and learn, right, guys? Just kidding.

P.P.S. Some strong language here, but can you really blame the guy?