
Buddy Roemer enters the race for the Republican presidential nomination

Alexis Levinson Political Reporter
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Charles “Buddy” Roemer, the former Governor of Louisiana, formally entered the race for the Republican presidential nomination on Thursday, announcing he had formed a Presidential Exploratory Committee.

The former governor has been out of politics for almost 20 years, since failing to win the Republican nomination in two back to back gubernatorial elections. But Roemer said that this year he “felt compelled to explore a potential candidacy for president of United States,” citing concerns over the ballooning national debt and charges of corruption in Washington.

“I’m gonna challenge the current system of money in politics,” Roemer said at a press conference announcing the launch of his PAC which will accept no donation greater than $100.

“Electability should not be discussed in terms of who can raise the most money, but rather who has the best ideas to raise America,” he said. “I will accept only contributions up to $100 per individual contributor. No PAC or special interest money will be accepted. Only individual contributions with a name and an address, and all will be reported although not required under the current law.”

Roemer said that special interests had too much control over the government and were preventing significant change. He cited the healthcare bill, laden down with what he perceived as concessions to pharmaceutical companies, tort reform lawyers, and the financial reform bill.

“Nothing changes when the money of the status quo and the special interests runs Washington,” he said.

Roemer says a president should be independent of such interests and “free to lead,” a slogan repeated by the candidate and his website. He outlined a platform that includes reduced influence of special interest, energy independence, dealing with our debt to China, balancing the budget, and rewriting the tax code.

“I am the only person considering running for President who has been a Congressman, a Governor, a member of both parties, and a small business owner,” Roemer said, touting his experience. Indeed, Roemer was originally elected a Democrat, but switched parties halfway through his term as governor.