The conservative group ForAmerica, which was “organized to educate Americans about traditional and contemporary American values,” is putting the GOP on notice.
The GOP leadership, and most especially its presidential candidates, need to get with the program. If the GOP is incapable of articulating a vision that returns America to Constitutional conservatism, then maybe conservatives should start thinking the unthinkable: a new party…
The GOP might want to take notice, as ForAmerica appears to be building a social media following to rival the online advances liberal groups made during the Bush years. Most recently, the group took aim at former Speaker Newt Gingrich, posting this on their Facebook wall:
“We ought to have some requirement to have health insurance or post a bond” – That was Newt this past Sunday on Meet the Press. He supported the individual mandate in 1993 and supports a requirement today. Congratulations Mr. Gingrich, you are this week’s Washington Fool.
It will be interesting to see how the group leverages their online muscle to advance the conservative cause, but a million Facebook fans is nothing to sneeze at.