“Decisive Hawkeye Masterstroke”?

Mickey Kaus Columnist
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Hostages, meet fortune: Those who will look foolish if Santorum wins the Iowa caucuses, in addition to Mitt Romney, include Mark Halperin, who recently wrote that Romney was “poised to take this elusive prize.” Time‘s caption writers, trying to sum up Halperin’s statements, described Romey as “positioned to pull off a decisive Hawkeye masterstroke.”  Yikes. That’s the sort of language that can come back to haunt. [E.A.] … In a “Faster” election environment, isn’t there still plenty of  time for Santorum to surge into first place–and to fall back behind. And maybe to surge again. … P.S.: I tend to agree with Noam Scheiber–Romney was foolish to place such a heavy bet on Iowa. Even if he lucks out and wins. It was a CD move in a Spotify world! …

Also: “Why Mitt’s Winning Iowa”–Daily Beast, Sunday, January 1.

Mickey Kaus