Ah, yet another in a long line of State Department victories.
January 22, 2009:
Yes! Take that, Bush and Cheney! In your face, winguts! BOOM!!!
So, that one worked out really well, as Will Rahn reports:
The State Department office responsible for helping facilitate the relocation of prisoners held at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba has been closed, The New York Times reports.
The paper reports that Daniel Fried, who served as the special envoy for Guantanamo Bay since the position’s inception in 2009, has been reassigned. He will not be replaced, and his duties will now be “assumed” by the State Department’s legal adviser, according to an internal personnel announcement.
Keep in mind that this isn’t President Barack Obama‘s fault, because nothing ever is. The showy executive order to close Gitmo wasn’t just “a pretty symbolic gesture designed to enable Democrats to feel good while retaining the core powers that constituted the injustice in the first place,” despite the claims of radical right-wing nuts like… um… Glenn Greenwald. You’re a racist and a fascist for wanting to keep terrorists locked up, you fascist racist.
And by the way: Obama got Bin Laden! USA! USA!!!