On Bill O’Reilly’s Monday program, Adam Carolla predicted that even if the Supreme Court rules in favor of same-sex marriage, the debate won’t stop there.
Carolla, the author of “Not Taco Bell Material,” compared the fight over gay rights to the discussions of race in American after the election of President Barack Obama.
“Well, look, people want to argue,” Carolla said. “And that’s the society that we’ created. I’ll ask you this: Ten years ago, if I were to ask you, ‘we’re going to elect our first black president,’ do you think you would have said, ‘Well then, there’ll be more arguing about race, or less arguing about race?’ We have done 10 times more arguing about race since we’ve had a black president.”
“So, obviously, that didn’t change that topic,” he continued. “And I don’t think giving gay people the right to be married is going to ratchet down the arguing. That being said, I love gay people. There should be more gay people. Our society would be better if we have tons and tons of gay people.”
Carolla then explained how the gay community has a positive impact on society, and pointed to a Los Angeles neighborhood as proof.
“OK, I live in Los Angeles,” he added. “There’s a gay part of town. It’s on Santa Monica Boulevard. And speaking of cruising, I’ll be there later on tonight. Now, Santa Monica Boulevard and Western Boulevard is — basically, looks like Beirut. And then when you go a couple miles to the south and you get to the gay part of Santa Monica Boulevard, it looks like Shangri-la meets Seattle. No gum on the ground, it’s beautiful.”