TNR: You might as well send an intern to cover White House press briefings

Matt K. Lewis Senior Contributor
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Every once in a while, you get proven right. But it usually takes more than a week or so. In case you missed it, The New Republic is essentially arguing that it’s a waste of time for reporters to attend faux “news” events such as the daily White House press briefings. Why, they might as well go ahead and endorse outsourcing this perfunctory activity to an intern.

Shot: TNR urges: ‘End the White House Press Briefing! It’s an unholy charade

 “The daily briefing has become a worthless chore for reporters, an embarrassing nuisance to administration staff, and a source of added friction between the two camps. It’s time to do the humane, obvious thing and get rid of it altogether.”

 “… We are now pawns in a reality show. I’d rather spend that hour and a half taking someone to coffee or calling or e-mailing someone to get a better sense of something important—you know, doing my job as a reporter.”

Chaser: Daily Caller sends teen reporter to ‘grill’ White House spokesman.

I’m not so sure it’s time to do away with these events, altogether. But why waste one of your seasoned reporters for such nonsense?

Clearly TheDC was ahead of the curve in terms of resource allocation.

Matt K. Lewis