The Mirror

Journalist goes on self-promotional rampage

Betsy Rothstein Gossip blogger
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Because what the hell else is there to do on a Saturday in Washington, D.C. than promote yourself, right?

This had to be Jamelle Bouie‘s thought process as he discharged a bunch of Saturday messages on Twitter all designed for one purpose: to boost his name ID.

He’s not a politician. Rather, he’s a self-described “staff writer at The Daily Beast,” an “amateur photographer” and “assorted other things.” Among those assorted other things, The Mirror‘s best guess is that they’re all ME-related. In case anyone is interested, he’s a former fellow for The American Prospect and The Nation Institute.

I do like how he initially starts out with a warning about his self-promotional rampage, proceeds to his photography skills and culminates his me-ness in ALL his skills, as in how to contact him for any reason under the sun.

Hey Bouie, do you fix toilets?


On Saturday, he promoted an appearance on MSNBC’s “Up With Steve Kornacki.” Still more me-time on Saturday: “I did some photography a few days ago, and these are the ones that stood out.” Tell me what you think.”

And just in case you didn’t get your fill of Bouie on Saturday, on Sunday he linked to his Tumblr account, adding, “This Week in Work Here’s what I did this past week, and where you can find it. At The Daily Beast—my place.”

We get it Bouie — me, me, me, me me.