Larry Kudlow retires from CNBC’s ‘The Kudlow Report’

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Brendan Bordelon Contributor
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Free market-oriented reporter Larry Kudlow is retiring from his 7 PM time slot on CNBC, the second major name to leave the business news network in the last two months.

TVNewser reports that Kudlow’s 12-year career as a CNBC host will finish at the end of March, though he will remain a contributor for the network.

“Larry expressed his love of the network and personal pride in what had been accomplished on his program over the years but now wanted to slow down just a bit,” network president Mark Hoffman said in a note to staff.

“In my career, I have encountered few television hosts with Larry’s range,” Hoffman continued. “As an interviewer, he is unfailingly polite and energetic, skillfully grilling guests but always ending a segment graciously. Larry has always brought great enthusiasm to every program and appearance.”

The 66-year-old advocate of economic freedom has had a long career in American policy and politics, working as an economist at the Federal Reserve and in the Reagan administration before turning to journalism and punditry. Kudlow will continue to write as a columnist and a contributor for a variety of publications.

Maria Bartiromo, another long-time CNBC star, left the network in January for a spot at Fox Business. Kudlow’s departure leaves one more big-name spot to fill. Hoffman wrote that his TV channel is working on “a new 7 PM strategy.”

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