The Mirror

Chyron Of The Day: Even Gloria Borger Zzzzz’s Through It

Betsy Rothstein Gossip blogger
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CNN’s Wolf Blitzer looks glum. Chief Political Analyst Gloria Borger looks like she’s taking a snooze. And National Journal‘s Editorial Director Ron Brownstein looks like he couldn’t care less.

Come to think of it, this is a great example of children should be seen and not heard. Everyone knows that a campaign season that’s “nice” isn’t a good campaign season at all.

The backstory here is that an 8 year-old girl in Raleigh, N.C. wrote Sen. Kay Hagan (D) and her opponent Tom Tillis (R) to ask them to cut out the biting ads. “Why aren’t you talking about ways that you will help us? All I hear is your ads where you say mean things about each other,” she wrote.

Hence CNN’s “be nice” translation.