DC Trawler

Patton Oswalt: A Tale Of Two Tweets

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That was then:

This is now:


The foothold to censorship was established years ago. But Oswalt and his ilk didn’t care about Nakoula Basseley Nakoula. They weren’t screaming about his First Amendment rights when Obama falsely blamed him for a terrorist attack in front of the whole world:

They were too worried about the 2012 election to give a damn about free speech.

Now North Korea has successfully proven that the future will not belong to those who slander Kim Jong-un. They didn’t do it by hacking us. They did it by watching how we respond to terrorist threats.

This is the world you’ve made, leftists. Now you don’t like it. If only you were capable of learning something from the experience.

2004: America, f*** yeah!
2014: F*** America? Yeah…


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Jim Treacher