
White House Press Secretary Has No Idea What Obama Did Yesterday [VIDEO]

Alex Griswold Media Reporter
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After admitting that it was a mistake not to send a higher-level official to the Paris solidarity rally attended by dozens of world leaders, White House press secretary Josh Earnest told reporters that he didn’t even know what President Barack Obama did during that time.

“You said the president personally wishes– he would have liked to have gone,” Fox News’ Ed Henry asked. “Why didn’t he? What was he doing on Sunday? We haven’t gotten an accounting of what the president did Sunday.” (VIDEO: Ed Henry Pushes Earnest On Harvard Obamacare Outrage)

“I haven’t spoken with the president about what he did yesterday,” Earnest answered simply.

“You obviously prepared for this,” Henry noted. “And you’ve said many times, ‘the most transparent administration.’ What was the president doing?”

“I guess I prepared for a lot of questions today,” Earnest agreed, “but I did not prepare for a question based on what the president was actually doing yesterday.”

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