DC Mayor Appoints Prominent Lobbyist and Campaign Backer To Head City’s Sports Authority

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After donating to District of Columbia Mayor Muriel Bowser’s campaign and raising tons of money for her, a prominent D.C. lobbyist landed the head position at the city’s sports authority.

D.C. Council voted Tuesday to approve Bowser’s pick, Max Brown, to run the city’s sports authority, called “Events DC.” Previously, Brown did some major fundraising for Bowser as the chief executive of a District-based lobbying and public relations firm called Bravery Corporation.

Bowser raised $1.97 million as a Democrat during the general election in 2014, nearly double that of her two major opponents, according to The Washington Post. Both independents, David Catania and Carol Schwartz raised around $1 million and $60,000 respectively.

Just 28 percent of Bowser’s campaign cash came from D.C. residents, according to The Washington Post, the rest came from corporations and donors outside the district.

Brown has a long history of mixing D.C. politics with business. He was a member of the campaign finance committee for Bowser’s successful 2014 mayoral campaign, where he too brought in lots of donation cash.

The nomination passed the council unanimously, with just Councilman David Grosso electing to vote “present,” as opposed to yea or nay.

Events DC is tasked with bringing large conventions, sporting events and cultural events to the D.C. area.

Not only did he raise large sums for Bowser’s mayoral campaign, he also personally donated the maximum possible amount of $2,000 to the campaign. Brown gave money to the campaigns of seven of the current 11 members of the D.C. council, including Grosso, who chose not to vote for Borwn’s nomination.

Brown helped to organize fancy soirees to raise money for Bowser, as well.

Previously, Brown worked in former mayor Anthony William’s administration as a legal counsel and deputy chief of staff.

Most recently, Brown lobbied on behalf of a healthcare firm that wanted to take over services in D.C. jails.

Mayor Bowser wanted Corizon Healthcare to take over operations in D.C.’s jail and initially awarded them the contract, though the council later blocked Bowser’s pick when concerns were raised about the company’s performance in other states.

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