DC Trawler

Obama To America: Yes We Could Have, But You Guys Screwed Up

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When tragedy strikes, when the American people seek answers, we can always count on the Reprimander-in-Chief to remind us that nothing is ever his fault.

He just can’t seem to grab up the guns of law-abiding citizens, no matter how many law-breaking citizens use guns. And he knows exactly where to lay the blame.

David Nakamura, WaPo:

President Obama wrapped up a day he began with an angry and frustrated reaction to the mass killings in Charleston, S.C., by acknowledging that he has been unable to change the culture of polarization and gridlock in Washington…

“When I ran in 2008, I in fact did not say I would fix it. I said we could fix it,” Obama told an audience of about 250 at a fundraising event here at the stately hillside home of film mogul Tyler Perry. “I didn’t say, ‘Yes, I can.’ I said, ‘Yes, we can.'”

Did you get that, America? We were in this together with Obama, and we failed. He was counting on us, and we let him down again. Even worse: We let down Tyler Perry.

The president continued: “If you’re dissatisfied that every few months we have a mass shooting in this country killing innocent people, then I need you to mobilize and organize a constituency that says this is not normal and we are going to change it.”

Of course it’s not normal. Of course it’s “dissatisfying.” That’s why murder is illegal. Isn’t this guy a lawyer? Isn’t he supposed to know these things?

And of course, President Obama spouted this divisive, emotion-based nonsense in a room surrounded by people with guns. If he really believed what he’s saying, he’d ban the Secret Service. But he doesn’t, so he won’t.

(Hat tip: Lachlan Markay)