
Brzezinski: Clinton Crying Sexism On Sanders Is ‘Pathetic’ [VIDEO]

Steve Guest Media Reporter
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MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski called Hillary Clinton insinuating Bernie Sanders as sexist “pathetic.”

Appearing on Tuesday’s “Morning Joe”, Brzezinski insisted, “I know sexism, Hillary Clinton knows sexism, she should know better.”

Earlier this week, Sanders suggested, “As a senator from a rural state, what I can tell Secretary Clinton, that all the shouting in the world is not going to do what I would hope all of us want, and that is keep guns out of the hands of people who should not have those guns.”

Clinton responded, “I’ve been told to stop shouting about ending gun violence. Well, I haven’t been shouting, but sometimes when a woman speaks out some people think it’s shouting.”

Tuesday, the “Morning Joe” panel was discussing the emerging rancor between the leading Democrats, host Joe Scarborough said, “Well, let me just say that’s pathetic. That’s just absolutely pathetic.”

Brzezinski said, “That was pathetic. I know sexism. Hillary Clinton knows sexism. She should know better than to let her staff make her do that.”

“It needs to be her,” claimed Brzezinski. “She needs to get out there and talk. Everyone stop writing lines for her. They’re bad. Really bad. And when we talk about sexism, we talk about women and equal pay and all these things that are important, let’s not denigrate it with that stupidity.”

“Let’s not, because we embarrass ourselves. I’m like cringing. You really shouldn’t have asked me. I’m going to get killed. But that’s OK, because that was pathetic.”

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