
Hillary Clinton: ‘We’re Not Winning’ Against ISIS [VIDEO]

Steve Guest Media Reporter
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Hillary Clinton acknowledged that the U.S. is “not winning” the fight against ISIS.

On ABC’s “This Week” Sunday, Clinton Global Foundation donor George Stephanopoulos asked Clinton, “Can you say today that we are winning the fight against ISIS” by discussing the threat Osama bin Laden posed after 9/11? (RELATED: Hillary Won’t Say ‘Radical Islam’ Because It ‘Sounds Like We Are Declaring War Against A Religion’ [VIDEO])

In response, Clinton claimed, “I could say today that we have a new set of threats. You know, if you go back and look where we were with al Qaeda in 9/11, there’s no doubt bin Laden and his lieutenants were planning to carry out additional attacks if they possibly could and they did in places like Madrid and London, etc. So we have dealt with that threat, it doesn’t go away we haven’t eliminated it but we’ve dealt with it. Now we have to turn or attention to the very sophisticated propagation of this new threat from ISIS.”

Stephanopoulos reiterated, “So we’re not winning that battle yet?”

“Well, we’re not winning, but it’s too soon to say that we are doing everything we need to do and I’ve outlined very clearly you know what we have to do,” Clinton insisted. “We have to fight them in the air, we have to fight them on the ground, and we have to fight them on the internet and we have to do everything we can with our friends and partners around the world to protect ourselves.”

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