
Rubio Thinks Sanders Is Qualified To Be President Of A Country, But It’s Not America [VIDEO]

Steve Guest Media Reporter
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Marco Rubio says, “I think Bernie Sanders is good candidate for president… of Sweden.

Thursday during the Fox News GOP debate, Rubio said Sanders “better not” follow Barack Obama as president.

Speaking to Iowans who caucus this coming Monday, Rubio said, “You will be the first Americans that get to answer the fundamental question what comes next for this country after seven disastrous years of Barack Obama. And let me tell you what the answer better not be. It better not be Bernie Sanders. Bernie Sanders is a socialist. I think Bernie Sanders is good candidate for president– of Sweden. We don’t want to be Sweden. We want to be the United States of America.” (RELATED: Bernie Sanders Doubles Down On Socialist Claims [VIDEO])

Pivoting to Hillary Clinton, Rubio said that Clinton is “disqualified from being the commander in chief of the United States. In fact, one of her first acts as president may very well be to pardon herself.”

Arguing that Clinton “stored classified information on her private server and Hillary Clinton lied to the families of those four brave Americans who lost their life in Benghazi, and anyone who lies to the families of Americans who have died in the service of this country can never be commander in chief of the United States.” (RELATED: Former House Majority Leader: FBI ‘Ready To Indict’ Hillary Clinton [VIDEO])

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