
Trump: ‘I’m Glad’ I Skipped The Debate Because Cruz ‘Got Pummeled’ [VIDEO]

Steve Guest Media Reporter
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Donald Trump said he was glad he didn’t show up to the Fox News debate Thursday night because Sen. [crscore]Ted Cruz[/crscore] “got really pummeled.”

Speaking at a campaign rally in Nashua, N.H., Friday morning, Trump said Cruz “got beaten up pretty badly last night” and “they didn’t even mention he was born in Canada.” (VIDEO: Chris Wallace Shuts Down Out-Of-Turn Ted Cruz At GOP Debate)

While going into his usual campaign rally review of poll numbers, Trump said, “Cruz is in second place. He got really pummeled last night. Actually, I’m glad I wasn’t there ’cause I guess, all of that, he got pummeled. Wow.” (AUDIO: Trump Camp: He Will Debate Cruz Once A Judge Rules He Can Actually Be President)

“And you know, they didn’t even mention that he was born in Canada, right? You know, it’s, when you’re born in Canada, you’re not supposed to be running for president of the United Sates. Prime minister of Canada, no problem. He can run in Canada. Prime minister of Canada, no problem,” Trump insisted. (Donations To Trump’s Pro-Vet Website Go To His Personal Foundation, Which Gave Heavily To The Clintons)

Claiming that Cruz “got beaten up pretty badly last night,” Trump said, “I don’t know what’s going to happen to his poll numbers, but probably they’re not going up. And I was just told that ours went up because of what we did last night. Isn’t that something?” (RELATED: GOP Rivals Try For Laughs As Donald Ducks Debate)

“It tells you a little bit about risk, because risk is interesting. You know, in theory, I would have rather done the debate because you’re leading. You don’t want to change the wheels, right? You want to just go, get it done, win, and go to the next one. And I took a chance. I mean, I took a chance. And it’s something you have to do. But I took a chance, and we did something. And I don’t know what the end result. I heard we went up. But whatever the result, I did the right thing. I did the right thing because I did something great for veterans. And when you think of it, these politicians are on that debate, most of them don’t know what they’re doing. They’re talking, talking, talking and we’re raising many for incredible people.” (RELATED: Here Are The People Who Donated $6 Million To Trump’s Fundraiser For Vets)

Trump said his fundraiser for veterans Thursday “was a 10. You know, as they say, when something works out, it was a 10. And I didn’t know it was going to be a 10. I tell you, I started getting good feelings when I went to the arena. It was a beautiful theater, but it only held 750 people. We had thousands of people outside, thousands. And when you see that kind of — what would you call — love, I mean really, love, it was a great feeling. So we had an amazing time.”

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