
Trump Blasts Rally Attendee As A ‘Bernie Plant’ [VIDEO]

Steve Guest Media Reporter
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Donald Trump blasted a questioner who challenged his stance on illegal immigration, accusing her of being a “Bernie plant.”

Thursday during a rally in Exeter, New Hampshire, Trump took a question from a woman claiming to be from Southern California who argued that illegal immigrants were the “backbone” of the United States economy because they “do work that no one else would do.”

When Trump heard the questioner’s claims, he shot back, “Are you a liberal Democrat by chance?”

Trump continued to let her ask her question but then asked, “Who told you to be here? Bernie?” The crowd went wild, then Trump said, “No, no, this is a Bernie plant. This is a Bernie plant.”

The woman reiterated that illegals were the “backbone of our country” causing Trump to reiterate, “Are illegal immigrants the backbone of our country? I don’t think so, darling. I don’t think so. I don’t think so. No, I don’t think so. They’re not the backbone.”

“You know what the backbone of our country — people who came here, and they came here legally, and they work their ass off and they make our country great,” Trump argued. “That’s the backbone.”


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