
MSNBC: Clinton Campaign Is ‘Nervous’ After Blowing Double-Digit Lead In Nevada

Steve Guest Media Reporter
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MSNBC reporter Kristin Welker said the Clinton campaign is “nervous” about Nevada, particularly because they have blown a double-digit lead to Bernie Sanders ahead of the caucus.

Wednesday during MSNBC’s “The Place for Politics 2016,” Welker said the Clinton campaign has “been pouring millions of dollars into television ads in Nevada for the first time actually topping Senator Sanders in TV ads.”

Host Andrea Mitchell said that the Democrats have “been having a tightening race and a nasty race at that. A close race in Nevada polling todays showing them virtually tied, if you believe that. Certainly Hillary Clinton has blown a double-digit lead.”

Welker agreed saying, “Well, that’s absolutely right. You can tell that the Clinton campaign is nervous about that.”

In addition to outspending the Sanders campaign on TV ads in Nevada, Welker said, “Secretary Clinton adding events to the calendar in Nevada and of course down playing expectations. The other part of this strategy, focusing on South Carolina and she to do that has been courting African-American voters. Yesterday she had that big address on race. Today, I am told she is going to echo some of the themes she talked about yesterday. She will talk about the fact that she wants two billion more dollars for public education [and] her plans to take on the criminal justice system, voting rights.”

Welker added that Clinton “had some sharp language for Senator Sanders as well, accusing him of being late to this conversation about racial justice and equality. That’s a criticism that Senator Sanders has brushed aside, saying, look, he was a part of the civil rights movement. He has his own plans to reach out to African-American voters, but this is becoming increasingly contentious, Andrea. We expect Secretary Clinton to take the stage in just a short while from now. The African-American voters are critical if she hopes to win the nomination.” (RELATED: Does This Video Show Bernie Sanders Being Arrested During 1963 Demonstration? [VIDEO])

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