
Hillary Supporters Hiss At Black Lives Matter Protester Who Interrupts $500-Per-Person Fundraiser [VIDEO]

Chuck Ross Investigative Reporter
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A Black Lives Matter protester was escorted out of a $500 per person Hillary Clinton fundraiser on Wednesday after she interrupted the Democratic presidential candidate’s speech, which was being held at the home of a Charleston, South Carolina attorney.

Video from the incident shows Clinton supporters hissing at the activist, Ashley Williams, while others call her protest “inappropriate.”

The encounter took place several days before Clinton faces Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders in the South Carolina primary.

Williams told the Huffington Post that she and another activist donated the $500 it cost to attend the event in order to confront Clinton over what they say is her inconsistent history on race and mass incarceration.

Williams began her demonstration by moving to the front of the audience and pulling out a sign reading: “We have to bring them to heel.”

That’s a reference to remarks Clinton gave during a 1996 speech on crime about so-called “super-predators.”

“No conscience, no empathy. We can talk about how they got that way but first we have to bring them to heel,” then then-first lady said, in what many believe today was racially-coded language.

Williams stood silently in front of the audience of about 100 for a few moments until Clinton asked to view her sign.

“We want you to apologize for mass incarceration,” Williams says to Clinton.

“OK, we’ll talk about it,” Clinton replied.

“I am not a super-predator, Hillary Clinton,” Williams continued, adding: “Can you apologize to black people for mass incarceration?”

“Well, can I talk and maybe you can listen to what I say?” Clinton said.

At that point, some of the 100 or so people in attendance at the event began hissing at Williams. Others yelled out at her to end the protest.

“You’re being rude,” one woman is heard saying.

“This is not appropriate,” another says.

“You want to hear the facts, or do you just want to talk?” Clinton adds.

“You’re trespassing,” a man yells out from the back of the room.

The video then shows a man who Williams says was a Secret Service agent escorting her out of the event.


The encounter was not Clinton’s first with Black Lives Matter activists. In August, she was recorded talking to three members during a campaign event in New Hampshire. The exchange was heated at times, with Clinton chiding the protesters for their aggressive and radical tactics. One accused Clinton of “victim blaming.” (RELATED: Hillary Accused Of ‘Victim Blaming’ During Tense Black Lives Matter Meeting)

While Clinton has been heavily criticized by Black Lives Matter activists, polls show she has more support among blacks in general than does Sanders. She also has the endorsements of more black politicians than does the 74-year-old democratic socialist. Namely, South Carolina Rep. [crscore]James Clyburn[/crscore] endorsed Clinton last week. Georgia Rep. [crscore]John Lewis[/crscore], an icon of the civil rights movement, has also endorsed the front-runner.

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