DC Trawler

Bowe Bergdahl Won’t Be Court-Martialed Until Obama Is Safely Out Of Office

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That’s the most cynical possible headline I could give this. Which, in 2016, is how you know it’s true.

Two years ago, Obama traded five high-value Taliban leaders for one traitor. He thought it was just going to be a fine photo op.

Heartwarming. Bismillah al-Rahman al-Rahim right back at ya, Bob.

But it hasn’t turned out to be the PR coup King Barry expected. Fortunately for him, the fallout won’t hit until he’s safely back home at his mansion in Hawaii. Fox News:

Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, who walked off his combat outpost in Afghanistan and spent five years in captivity, will be court-martialed under a new commander-in-chief.

A military judge decided Tuesday to delay Bergdahl’s trial from August until February to provide time for resolving disputes over the defense team’s access to classified documents…

A February start would mean the court-martial could make headlines only weeks after the new commander-in-chief is sworn in as president.

I’m sure Obama is really broken up about that…

(Hat tip: John Sexton)