
Trump Trolls Clinton With Obama’s Ad Critical Of Her Character [VIDEO]

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Steve Guest Media Reporter
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Donald Trump apparently has found some common ground with Barack Obama: they’ve both been critical of Hillary Clinton.

On Friday, Trump tweeted a link to a 2008 campaign ad Obama used against Clinton with the comment, “I rarely agree with President Obama- however he is 100% correct about Crooked Hillary Clinton. Great ad!” (RELATED: Obama 2008: Hillary Clinton ‘Will Say Anything To Get Elected’)

In the ad, a narrator says, “It’s what’s wrong with politics today. Hillary Clinton will say anything to get elected. Now she’s making false attacks on Barack Obama. The Washington Post says Clinton isn’t telling the truth. She championed NAFTA. Even thought it has caused South Carolina thousands of jobs. And worst of all, it was Hillary Clinton who voted for George Bush’s war in Iraq. Hillary Clinton, she’ll say anything and change nothing. It’s time to turn the page.”

The ad concludes with Obama saying, “I’m Barack Obama, candidate for president and I approve this message.”
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