
Hillary Clinton Bans Tweeting, Phone Use At Her Fundraising Event

(Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images)

Kaitlan Collins Contributor
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Hillary Clinton wouldn’t allow guests to use their phones at her fundraising event this week.

Hillary Clinton

(Photo: SAUL LOEB/AFP/Getty Images)

The presumptive Democratic nominee held a 50-person two-hour event in New York Monday night, and although attendees had to fork over $33,000 to get in, they weren’t allowed to use their phones, according to Page Six. (RELATED: Ex-Secret Service Member: Monica Lewinsky Threw A Tantrum When She Found Out Bill Cheated)

“No tweeting, no photos, no anything,” the guests were warned before dinner with Clinton at Harvey Weinstein’s home.

(Photo: KAREN BLEIER/AFP/Getty Images)

(Photo: KAREN BLEIER/AFP/Getty Images)

Leo DiCaprio, Jennifer Lopez, Sarah Jessica Parker and Matthew Broderick were all in attendance at the A-list event. Page Six reports that Clinton has raised over $12 million from celebrities — and that was before Monday night happened. (RELATED: Former White House Staffer Spills The Beans On The ‘Paranoid’ Clintons)

She has another fundraising dinner Wednesday night, this time at the home of an investment banker at $33,400-per person.

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