The Mirror

The Daily Milo: Milo Explores Religion

Georgia Williams Contributor
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Daily thoughts of a self-described “dangerous faggot.”

Here we go…day 3 of The Daily Milo.

He’s offended practically everyone he can, but why NOT wear a burka to his next speech? Considering he got the Republican Club at UC Irvine suspended, things really can’t get any worse for people who choose to associate with him.

Here’s a bonus long-form Milo article with an update on his fame and future plans.

How exactly to explain his appeal to the masses? Let’s have him tell you himself:

“Unlike my rivals, I’m like a fine wine — I become better by the day, am more sought after by connoisseurs and more expensive to have at your table. Or under it, whatever.”

Couldn’t have said it better.

We even got a shout-out: “One conservative media outlet just launched a Daily Milo feature. That’s how hungry readers are for the Dangerous Faggot.”

And here’s a pic of Milo surveying his territory:

so many cucks in this world

A photo posted by Milo Yiannopoulos (@milo.yiannopoulos) on