
MoveOn Seeks Donations To ‘Stop Trump’, But Emails Hardly Tout Clinton

(Photo: John Sommers II/Getty Images)

Ron Brynaert Freelance Reporter
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MoveOn, a progressive Political Action Committee which endorsed Bernie Sanders, still seeks contribution to defeat Donald Trump, but its emails hardly mention Hillary Clinton.

An email sent to MoveOn members early Wednesday morning written by the activist documentarian Michael Moore only mentioned the Democratic presidential candidate once.

“After months of straggling behind Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump just surpassed her in many, many polls,” Moore wrote. “If the election were held today, some people say that Trump would be our president.”

Moore added that “we need to do everything we can to stop Trump,” but that apparently didn’t include providing any information about the official candidate herself.

Moore mentioned Clinton’s former Democratic rival in the email, by quoting former Labor Secretary Robert Reich, who touted MoveOn “[a]s the biggest independent progressive group that supported Bernie Sanders.”

“Will you chip in $5 a month to help us work from now through Election Day to make sure progressive voters turn out to defeat Donald Trump?” Moore asked.

MoveOn Electoral Field Director Matt Blizek’s email to members on Monday also only mentioned Clinton once.

“Support for Donald Trump has SURGED following the Republican convention, with four of the most recent public polls showing the Republican presidential nominee defeating Hillary Clinton by an average of two to three points,” Blizek wrote, before asking for $2.70 donations. The Sanders campaign often asked for $2.70, since they claimed that was the average contribution they received from millions of people.

A Tuesday email sent by MoveOn campaign director Jo Comerford to members mentioned Hillary Clinton four times, but was mostly about Bernie Sanders’ “full-throated endorsement” at the DNC.

That email included a video of Sanders endorsing Clinton, but it didn’t specifically tout any of her issues, and instead focused on what the Vermont senator pushed for in his unsuccessful race for the Democratic nomination.

“A higher minimum wage, debt-free college for all, a public option for health care, serious work combating climate change, and a push to overturn Citizens United—those were some of the issues many of us fought for by supporting Bernie’s campaign, issues which Bernie spoke about from the stage last night,” the email stated.

Ron Brynaert