The Mirror

GROSS! Trump Uses Reporters To Brag About His Speech

Betsy Rothstein Gossip blogger
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For weeks, no, months, GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump has been whining like a baby about the disgusting media and how dishonest and crooked it is. He even started a steady feature called “MEDIA BIAS OFFENDER” to regularly bash members of the fourth estate.

But Tuesday night he used reporters to his advantage by releasing a list of favorable comments from all those “disgusting and dishonest” reporters about his “Law and Order” speech.

So what are they now — dishonest or incredibly smart and helpful to his campaign?



The headline in his release is just gross:

Screen Shot 2016-08-16 at 11.31.42 PM

And now the list of compliments:

CBS News’ Major Garrett: “Having Been Listening Since August 2016, Objectively Best Drafted & Best Delivered [Trump] Speech Of Campaign. Will Resonate.” (, 8/16/16)

Pittsburgh Tribune-Review: “[Trump] Just Gave A Very Good, Excellent, Red Meat, Presidential Timber Speech. Literally.” (, 8/16/16)

ReutersGinger Gibson: “Trump Gets Big Applause ‘The War On Our Police Must End And It Must End Now.’” (, 8/16/16)

CNN’s Jeremy Diamond: “Speaking In Milwaukee Suburb, Trump Calls Milwaukee Riots ‘An Assault On The Right Of All Citizens To Live In Security And To Live In Peace’” (, 8/16/16)

NYT’s Maggie Haberman: “Trump Argues Clinton Complicit In ‘Anti-Police Atmosphere’ Throughout America In Wisconsin Speech.” (, 8/16/16)

NBC News’ Ali Vitali: “Trump Making The Pitch To African American Voters That Democrats Take Their Votes For Granted.” (, 8/16/16)

CBS News’ Sopan Deb: “Trump: ‘The Democratic Party Has Failed And Betrayed The African-American Community.’” (, 8/16/16)

Columnist Ann Coulter: “Great Trump speech.” (, 8/16/16)

Yahoo! News’ Holly Bailey: “Trump Crowd Reacting Positively To Speech.” (, 8/16/16)

Bailey: “Trump: ‘We Reject The Bigotry’ Of The Clinton Campaign, Who Sees Blacks ‘Only As Votes’” (, 8/16/16)

Independent Journal’s Hunter Schwartz: “Trump In Wisconsin: Clinton ‘Doesn’t Care At All About The Hurting People Of This Country Or The Suffering She Has Caused Them.’” (, 8/16/16)

Washington Examiner’s Byron York: “Trump: I’m Running To Offer Black Voters A Much Better Future, A Much Better Job, At A Much Higher Wage.” (, 8/16/16)

Bloomberg’s Kevin Cirilli: “This Is The First Time Trump Has Given A Teleprompter Speech At A *Rally*. And It’s The Most Comfortable I’ve Seen Him On One.” (, 8/16/16)

Washington Examiner’s Jim Antle: “Trump Experimenting With A Rally Address That Is More Focused, Less Stream Of Consciousness, Not Purely Pitched To People In The Audience.” (, 8/16/16)

The Daily Caller’s Derek Hunter: “So Far, I Gotta Say, A Pretty Good Speech From [Trump].” (, 8/16/16)

The Associated PressJill Colvin: “Trump Sounds Like He’s Talking Directly To African Americans…” (, 8/16/16)