
Trump Announces He Will Win Washington State


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Phillip Stucky Political Reporter
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Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump told supporters at a rally in Washington he plans to win the northwestern state, a safe Democratic stronghold that hasn’t voted for a Republican since 1984.

“You know a Republican would never come to the state of Washington,” Trump said during his Tuesday speech. “We’re gonna win it, that’s why I’m here.”

This is the first time Trump has visited the state since May, when he delivered two speeches in Spokane and Lynden.

The nominee spoke to the crowd of thousands Tuesday about immigration, jobs, and repealing Obamacare. Although Trump was able to draw a large crowd, the polling in the Democratic stronghold reveals a much different picture.

Washington is listed as a “safe Democratic” state by the University of Virginia’s Center for Politics, as well as statistics site 538, which gives Trump a 3.9 percent chance of winning. Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton has a fairly safe 96 percent chance of winning the 12 electoral votes Washington offers.

The most recent Ipsos poll statewide shows a 17-point lead for Clinton, 49 to 33 percent.

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