
Clinton Defeats Trump In Nevada

REUTERS/Brendan McDermid

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Phillip Stucky Political Reporter
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Republican nominee Donald Trump lost to Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton in the state of Nevada Tuesday.

Both candidates campaigned hard in the state of Nevada. Trump’s recent visit to the state over the weekend was interrupted when a supporter yelled “Gun!” at the event.

Trump raised an astounding $247,541,449 in the race so far, spending nearly all of that balance. Trump entered the month of November with just a little over $15 million in the campaign’s bank account, according to Open Secrets as of Nov. 6. Clinton nearly doubled that total with $497,808,791, but had just over $62 million left over to spend in the final days of the race as of Nov. 6.

Trump went into the race with a lead of .8 percentage points, according to the Real Clear statewide polling average. Trump earned 45.8 percent compared to Clinton’s 45 percent. The final poll in the state published by Emerson University revealed that Trump trailed by 1 percent, earning 46 percent of the vote. Clinton earned 47 percent.

The state of Nevada has 6 electoral votes, and went to Democrats 3 times out of the past 5 presidential elections. Political Statistician Nate Silver gave Trump a 41.7 percent chance of winning the election, and 58.3 percent chance of Clinton clinching the state. The UVa Center for Politics gave the state a “leans Democratic” rating in their final prediction published Monday.

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