DC Trawler

Finally, Hillary Clinton Gave A Speech I Wanted To Hear

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With any luck, this will be the last Hillary Clinton speech we’ll ever need to endure. Whew!

As my fellow #NeverTrump stalwart Jonah Goldberg puts it:

For almost two years, people have been telling me that I am secretly — or not so secretly — pro-Hillary Clinton. I’ve often responded by asking people to point to a single passage I’ve ever written praising Hillary Clinton. No one has ever found anything. Well, the search is over: She did a great job just now.

I feel the same way. Donald Trump was gracious in victory, and Hillary Clinton was humble in defeat. You don’t have to like or agree with either of them, but you have to give them credit for that much. History is watching, and they both rose to the occasion.

That said, she can go away now. I don’t care if she winds up in a cell or at the bottom of a bottle. Just as long as I never need to see or hear from her again. Beat it, Grandma.

As for all the Bernie Bros & Babes… maybe 2020?

P.S. The video above is just a portion of her full concession speech. I watched the whole thing, but I can’t remember: Did she thank Huma at any point? I know she left out You Know Who…