
How Did France End Up As 2015’s Second Biggest Arms Exporter?


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Saagar Enjeti White House Correspondent
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France sold $15 billion worth of weapons in 2015, compromising nearly one-quarter of the globes’ arms market, according to the U.S. congressional research service (CRS).

France has a clear edge in the developing nations market, which compromises nearly 50 percent of its overall weapons revenue. The U.S. conversely only relies on developing nations for 25 percent of its weapons sales.

The CRS report explains the phenomenon, saying, “nations in the developed world continue to pursue measures aimed at protecting important elements of their national military industrial bases by limiting arms purchases from other developed nations.”

The tiny oil-rich state of Qatar alone represented $7.1 billion worth of France’s total in a deal for French fighter jets and missiles. The deal included 24 Rafale fighter jets and multiple MBDA missiles, along with French training for Qatari pilots, and French-provided mechanics. The Egyptian military also bought nearly $6 billion in arms from France, including two dozen Rafale jets and a contract for a frigate.

The international arms market significantly increased throughout 2015, as multiple Gulf Arab countries sought to bolster their weapons defenses amidst growing instability in the region. Saudi Arabia is engaged in an ongoing air campaign against Iranian-backed Shiite rebels in Yemen, and other Gulf countries seek to bolster defenses against a potential Iranian threat.

Other major weapons exporters include Russia, China, Germany and the United Kingdom.

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