These Trump Inauguration Shirts Are A Must-Have In Approach Of National Swamp-Draining Day


The Daily Dealer Contributor
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January 20, 2017 will go down in history as The Day The Swamp Was Drained. After years of festering corruption, veniality and heartless disregard for the American people, Washington, D.C. will be liberated from its sleazy operators who peddle influence and claim to wield power. President-elect Donald J. Trump promised as much on the campaign trail, and the Swamp-Draining will officially begin when he takes office on Inauguration Day. (In a way, it has already commenced, as Democratic politicos find themselves unable to find work).

For a limited time, you can celebrate this special day with this exclusive shirt:

You want to remember this date

You’ll want to remember this date.

Limited Edition Trump Inauguration Shirt — $21.99

The best part is the text on the back, which reads:

WARNING: Effective January 20, 2017, we will begin draining the Washington, D.C. swamp. Lobbyists, special interests, and bureaucrats may experience difficulty subverting the will of the American people. Thank you and we apologize for any inconvenience as we MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN.

If that doesn’t sum up the Trump Train coming to town, I don’t know what would. January 20, 2017 is an historic day. A day you will tell your grandkids about. A day your great-great-grandkids will read about in the history books. The day America was made great again.

There is no excuse not to have a Drain the Swamp shirt for Inauguration Day. Either this fine version, or the one we showed you previously. Drain, baby, drain.

This girl will never forget (Placeit)

This girl will never forget (Placeit)