
Hillary Clinton Launches Her Own Political Organization, ‘Onward Together’

Kaitlan Collins Contributor
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Six months after she lost the presidential election to Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton launched her own political organization Monday.

The former presidential candidate — who said she spent the last few months “reflecting, spending time with family and, yes, taking walks in the woods” — introduced “Onward Together” in a series of tweets. According to its website, the group is “dedicated to advancing the vision that earned nearly 66 million votes in the last election.”

(Photo: Getty Images)

“We’re launching Onward Together to encourage people to get involved, organize, and even run for office,” Clinton wrote on Twitter. “More than ever, I believe citizen engagement is vital to our democracy. I’m so inspired by everyone stepping up to organize and lead.”

“This year hasn’t been what I envisioned, but I know what I’m still fighting for: a kinder, big-hearted, inclusive America. Onward!”

A link on the website prompts those who sign up for “Onward Together” to donate to the group.

“In recent months, we’ve seen what’s possible when people stand up for a fairer, big-hearted, more inclusive America,” it reads. “Chip in today to help Onward Together support the people and organizations championing the vision that earned 66 million votes in the last election.”

(Photo: Andrew Toth/Getty Images)

In early May, Clinton identified herself as part of “the resistance.”

“I can’t be anything other than who I am,” Clinton said at a Women for Women International event. “And I spent decades learning about what it would take to move our country forward — including people who clearly didn’t vote for me — to try to make sure we dealt with a lot of these hard issues that are right around the corner like robotics and artificial intelligence and things that are really going to be upending the economy for the vast majority of Americans, to say nothing of the rest of the world.”

“So I’m now back to being an activist citizen and part of the resistance.”