DC Trawler

Bad News, America: Al Franken Doesn’t Want To Be President

Getty Images/Mark Wilson

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Senator Smalley’s not good enough, he’s not smart enough, and doggone it, people don’t like him.

If Bernie Sanders isn’t angry and left-wing enough for you, don’t look to Minnesota for your savior in 2020. Rebecca Savransky, The Hill:

Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.) says he has “no plans to run” for president.

“Right now, what I am doing and what I enjoy doing more than anything in the world is serving the people of my state,” Franken said during an interview with ABC News’s “Powerhouse Politics” podcast…

“I don’t want to be president.” The Minnesota senator said it looks like it’s “too much work, it’s too hard.”

Who says Democrats and Republicans can’t agree on anything?

Look on the bright side, Dems: He’s nipping this in the bud before you get your hopes up. He doesn’t want to be the next Jon Ossoff.

Tags : al franken
Jim Treacher