The Mirror

Evening Mirror: Journo Watches Daughter Float By During Storm Live Shot

Betsy Rothstein Gossip blogger
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Quote of the Night:

“Sean Spicer’s farewell bash is LIT.”

Hunter Walker, White House correspondent, Yahoo News.

What’s Kathy up to? 

“I am learning to live in acceptance that my mom loves Judge Judy more than she loves me,” Kathy Griffin, comedian.

Mother Jones writer wants to destroy the pumpkin spiced latte 

“For years I have wondered in my mind, in my brain, why people like eating pumpkin-spiced lattes because pumpkin is disgusting. Have you ever eaten pumpkin? It’s disgusting. I had it once, as a youth, and it was disgusting and I have never had it again. Sure, pumpkin pie is popular with a certain sicko set, but I don’t know why they swallow that pie because pumpkin is disgusting.”

Ben Dreyfuss, senior editor, Mother Jones.

CNN’s Jim Acosta puts in a plug for Veep Pence 

“Moments ago: Pence very visibly shaking hands with storm victims in Rockport, TX.” — CNN White House correspondent Jim Acosta.

RedState editor is down on Tomi Lahren 

“Tomi Lahren Is Awful for Conservatism, So Of Course Fox News Hired Her.” — Kimberly Ross, senior contributing editor, RedState.

Journo Father Watches His Journo Daughter Float During Tropical Storm Live Shot

Fox Business Network anchor Jeff Flock got tongue tied while doing a live report during a rescue effort in Houston. Suddenly his daughter, PBS NewsHour’s Liz Flock, was floating by. The elder flock was dumfounded.

Jeff Flock knew his daughter was in Houston covering Hurricane Harvey, but had yet to see or talk to her due to the severity of the storm. Liz passed by on a truck of volunteers during another rescue effort.

“I knew she was here, I hadn’t see her. I’ll be darned, isn’t that something…SHEEUCKS…I didn’t expect that, I’m off topic here,” he said, interrupting the news.


In which I feature someone from The Daily Caller. I’ll do this feature until someone gets mad or my bosses order me to stop. 

Woman Who Resembles Danny DeVito Is Criticizing Melania Trump’s Fashion 

This story by Entertainment Contributor Jena Greene is a must read. It concerns a Vogue fashion editor who has made it her business to trash Melania for the shoes she wore to the Houston flood.

An excerpt:

“This should serve as an important reminder to everyone who consumes political garbage written by people in other businesses, like fashion. Check your source. If she looks like a haggard geisha getting off the night shift, she’s probably not a reputable source.”


Siraj Hashmi works for RedAlert.