
‘Outrageous Claims’: White House Calls Out New York Times Over Alleged Remark About Haitians

Photo by Mario Tama/Getty Images

Justin Caruso Contributor
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The White House is denying a report from the New York Times that claims President Trump said Haitian immigrants “all have AIDS.”

In a comment provided to the Times included in the report, Sarah Huckabee Sanders said, “General Kelly, General McMaster, Secretary Tillerson, Secretary Nielsen and all other senior staff actually in the meeting deny these outrageous claims,” adding, “It’s both sad and telling The New York Times would print the lies of their anonymous ‘sources’ anyway.”

The article claims that Trump accused Haitians of having AIDS and saying that Nigerians should “go back to their huts.” (RELATED: NYT Admits Its Front Page Climate Change Article Was Wrong)

Since the article was published, it has lit up social media, with many using it to further claim Trump is a racist.

As Sanders noted, sources for this story were anonymous.

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